Monday, October 6, 2014

Letter Project Reflection =^• ㅅ •^=

  • Describe your process when creating your letter project. How was the process helpful or not so helpful to you?

         I started my process of creating my letter project by sketching twenty  possible designs of a letter, then narrowed it down to three designs through peer editing. This was helpful for me because I had a few designs in mind, and my table chose those designs. Afterwards, I chose two designs and drafted them on copy paper. The gallery walk that followed was helpful for me because it helped me decide which design I wanted to create for my final. The input from my classmates gave me ideas on how to improve my design.
  • How did you arrive with your concept/idea for your letter? How did you represent this concept visually in your design?

          I don't think it was too difficult to arrive at the concept for my letter. I chose to design the letter "O" because it's a simple letter, and I like how it's round. My concept came from both the letter I chose, and my interests. Because I chose the letter "O" and because one of my interests is food, I decided to combine them. When I was working on the initial sketches, I drew a lot of food that is shaped like the letter "O," and some happened to start with the letter, too- Oreo's and oranges, for example. I eventually chose a pizza. I used a color scheme of mostly warm colors like red, orange, and brown, and added a bit of contrast with green. I think using the green helped unify my design more, as green and red are complementary colors. To add onto my concept, instead of just having regular pizza toppings, like pepperoni and mushrooms, I chose to add other foods that I like, such as M&M's and cherries. The additional toppings are unusual, as they aren't usually found on pizzas, but they fit into my design, as well as my preferences. I also wanted to make my design look cartoon-ish, but have realistic colors. The bite marks in the middle help emphasize both the letter and the cartoon look.
  • What was the most challenging aspect of this project for you? Why?

         The most challenging aspect of the project for me was adding color to my design. Since my design is a pizza, I had to combine different shades to create the end result. For the cheese part of the pizza, I overlapped different shades of orange, red, yellow, and brown, and for the crust, I did the same using different shades of brown. Even though my pizza is cartoon-ish, I wanted to make the colors look realistic. This was difficult for me because I didn't want to make the colors look too dark, and as a result, my coloring, and the color payoff, was not as bold as it could have been.
  • Are you satisfied with your project? Explain your answer.

         I'm satisfied with my project overall. Initially I thought that my design was too simple, but I think I like it that way. I'm not sure how it would look if I somehow made it more complex, but I don't think it would look as nice. I like the way it turned out, but if I could, I would make some adjustments to it.
  • If you can change anything about your design, what would you change or do differently?

         If I could do something differently, I would try to make my design stand out more. During the class discussion, I noticed that mine was somewhat hard to see from from away because of the way it was colored. To change this, I would try to add more color to my design while staying within my color scheme. However, with that said, I still like my design, and I think it looks nice up close.
    In the process~



  1. Nice process!!!! I like the way your piece came out :) Looks so good!

  2. If you could have designed your letter with a different food, which one would you choose to make it stand out?

  3. I think you can use watercolor or markers or darker color pencil to make you letter stand out more. From looking at the image, I know it the letter O and represent pizza. However, I think the circle in the middle make it look like donut. I like your design overall.

  4. This project really makes me hungry similar to Muji's project with the waffles. My favorite food is pizza so yeah. If you were to redo this project all over again, however it was the same theme, pizza, what other different topping would you put in?

  5. I like your pizza. Why did u choose those toppings specifically for your pizza? Are they your favorite toppings?

  6. I love the design and the process, it was simple yet pretty which is what I think you were going for!

  7. Why did you end up choosing a pizza to draw? I feel like you could've darken the color a little more because it would make your pizza pop from your paper.

  8. I like concept considering that pizza is my religion, and I really like the detail in the final with all the toppings

  9. WOW, your project is so neat, and you colored so evenly, great job, pal.

  10. Great process! Your project is very clean and polished, as well as makes me hungry. However I think you could have made your letter a little more obvious.
